Wednesday, February 01, 2012

What I Wore 2-1-2012

Today, I took some fashion risks {for me, that is lol}. I usually wear a big tee and skinny jeans tucked into boots in the winter, and a big tee, shorts, and flops in the summer. I mixed it up a bit, today, with a teal v-neck tucked into taupe dress shorts, knee high brown and tan heart-gyle socks with purple detailing, and a lighter teal sweater with bejeweled buttons, and purple flats. I felt pretty cute, albeit OUT of my comfort zone. Baby steps, right?

I even painted my nails with a gold glitter polish, and wore a hair clippie a good friend of mine made for me a while back. :)

V-neck - Old Navy
Shorts - Old Navy
Sweater - Old navy (a billion years ago)
socks - Old Navy
Shoes - Target
Hair clip - Devin
Nail Polish - China Glaze 'Ulta'mate holiday

1 comment:

Ricki Rexie said...

haha that pic of you with your leg up is so freaking cute. you're a doll :)