Sunday, February 05, 2012

superbowl sunday, schmuperbowl schmunday

Have I mentioned how much I hate sports? Especially football? I abhor superbowl. Especially when I HAVE to go to the grocery store that day. Especially when I have sick kids and a sick husband. :p Anyhoo, since I wasn't feeling too hot yesterday, and stayed indoors all day, cleaning, I didn't get dressed. I did, today, however, and I took some pics.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I think I finally got my bangs to a white-ish color. They still have some darker yellow streaks making it look too "natural". Haha. I used Wella's T18 toner, or lightest ash blonde 12A to get this color. It frightens me to go for the all over color, though. I'm a weenie when it comes to damaging my hair. :) Oh, and I ordered some new glasses from today! They should arrive fairly quickly. They did last time! I'm excited. they're tortoiseshell colored! eeep! OH! And I got some new lipstick today (don't know if you could tell from the pic)! It's called Smoked Peach by Revlon. It's a lovely matte peach color. LOVE! Okay, enough talk about hair and makeup. I'll tell you about what I'm wearing.

Cardi - old navy (I LOVE the color of this sweater!)
shirt - old navy (from a bajillion years ago)
skirt - old navy (from my haul the other day) This is the skirt that I got on clearance for $13! So exciting!
shoes - converse chuck taylors. This was an amazing score from Ross. Hot pink and only $24.99! ♥

So I guess that's all I have to update you on in my life for now. I'm working on trying to change the name of my blog. But... not sure how that's gonna happen. Anyone have any insight, lemme know! Hope you all have a great day!

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