Friday, February 03, 2012

Old Navy Haul

As I said before, my birthday is in, count 'em, TWO WEEKS! hahahahahaha So, the hubster let me do a little clothes shopping today, since he knows I've been working on my 'style'. :) Here's a pic of everything I got (you'll have to excuse the crappy photo, I dropped my "good" camera and broke it, so I had to use the old cellie):

From left to right: rust-colored elbow length sleeve tee with ruched sides, tea-length knit skirt with chevron stripes, green cami ($3.50!), blue cardi, pink button down tank with butterfly print, striped below the knee skirt, and navy dress with floral pattern on the bottom. I will post pics of the individual items later, but of course, now Im having technical difficulties with my phone camera. *sigh*

okay, here are the individual pics:

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